Est. 1988. To You. For You. Oz Wide!


To those of You who know and love us – THANK YOU!
You trust, support and endorsement is what powers Coffee Works and Roast & Post.
You know first hand our focus has always been on our Service, our Products and, most importantly, on You, our valued and respected Guests.


To New Friends and potential Aficionados, a very warm Far Northern Welcome!
We hope You enjoy a Delicious and very personal Journey of Discovery with Coffee Works. 


Our boutique Family business began as small home based roaster trading from a single market stall at Rusty’s Markets, Cairns, in 1988.

Roast & Post was born at Rusty’s. Way back, our early Roast & Post Guests discovered our stall by chance on their trips to the Tropics. Many of these pioneers are Treasured Guests to this very day.

Thank You! ….You know who You are! For supporting us, for trusting in us, for Your contribution towards the ongoing evolution of Feel Good from the Far North! 


More than 3 decades on, we are a family of dedicated and passionate people. Together we craft and create Delicious, Everyday Luxuries delivered Direct to Your Door that become Feel Good Moments for You to savour, share and enjoy.
Our compilation of coffees, chocolates, liqueurs and local teas now verges on the ridiculous.

What began as a small affair has become an engaging and rewarding way of life. We acknowledge and give gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of something much bigger than ourselves, something we can ALL share, enjoy and be delighted by.

All this ridiculous deliciousness is still lovingly created where it began, in the back blocks of Mareeba, a small country town in the Heart of the Australian Coffee Growing region, in Rural Tropical North Queensland.
We reckon that is a bit of an achievement for us.
But, more importantly, it is a Testament to You!
We Love what we do!

Your Support makes Coffee Works in all its forms a Reality. Thank You!